The Sailor Moon Asylum

the archive insanity has come


crazilee updated Feb 27, 2001

*New IMAGE POLICY! Don't steal my pictures without permission!*
Link: a helpful stranger who discovered the terrible image thief!*

Welcome again to our humble abode. Due to complications with government health agencies and various mental health organizations, we members of the Sailor Moon Asylum have been very busy. There are no lawsuits against us, thank the Moon. Now because we're no longer able to update often, the staff and I have decided to make this neato mental hospital an archive. What we mean is all this chaos will be "dormant." Pretty oxymoronic, isn't it? Hehe, we like it too. Anyways, we designed the site to be much easier and less confusing to use. We have also deleted various unpopular sections to save space. If you have any questions, please contact our Official Janitor/Secretary Michelle.

I've got to study now. After that I need to think of a new formula to cure post-nasal drip (I have the sniffles right now). If you have any home-made remedies please tell me now! I'll give you some great studying tips in return! You'll love them! Well, this is Melvin, signing off...

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Hello again, my fellow Moonies! It is I, Melvin! Thank you for visiting our great site of Sailor Moon insanity. We hope you enjoyed your stay at this neato mental hospital! Feel free to admit yourself here again in the future to further your treatment of this epidemic. Rock on, Sailor Moon fans!